And so begins the church's penitential season of Lent reflecting the 40 days that Christ spend in the wilderness being tempted. In this season's Gospel readings, we see how Jesus was tempted three times in the desert immediately prior to the start of his public ministry. These temptations were those of bread, power, and worldly recognition, yet Jesus did not give in to these temptations.
Music at 10am Sunday
EUCHARIST with Lay Clerk Cantor
(several choir members are on Music Camp with BGS)
Prelude: Aus tiefer Not schrei ich zu dir (From the depths I cry unto thee) BWV 687
J.S. Bach (1685-1750)
Hymns: Processional Lead us, heavenly Father, lead us
Gradual On Jordan’s banks
Thanksgiving Now we come, our heavenly Father
Post Communion Sweet sacrament divine
Setting: Parish Eucharist – Michael Dudman (1938-1994)
Psalm: 25:1-9 (NPCW)
Anthem: Lord Jesus, think on me (v 1,3,5,6) – W. Daman (d. 1591)
Motet: Christ unser Herr zum Jordan kam (Christ our Lord came to the Jordan) – Martin Luther (1483-1546)
Postlude: Christ unser Herr zum Jordan kam (Christ our Lord came to the Jordan)
BWV 684 – J.S. Bach (1685-1750)
Music Department changes
Pamela Wainwright left us during the week. She will remain Director of Music at St Peter's Brighton Beach and we still hope of advance combined musical pieces during the year.

Dr Mario Dobernig has been appointed as Assistant Director of Music and commences with us on Monday.
Dr Dobernig is the co-artistic director and administrator of the Albury Chamber Music Festival and has an impressive array of tertiary degrees from universities across the globe. These include a Bachelor of Music majoring in percussion peformance, a Bachelor of Arts in music education, a Master of Arts in musicology and semiotics, 2 Masters of Music majoring in percussion performance and in conducting, and a Doctorate in musicology.
He has also held conducting roles with the several symphony orchestras, including the MSO. His CV is extensive, and you should 'google' him for lots of performance and recording information. We welcome him to St Andrew's.
Episcopal Visit

Formerly our neighbour at St Stephen's Gardenvale, The Right Reverend Kate Prowd, Bishop of the Monomeeth Episcopate in the Anglican Diocese of Melbourne, focusing on theological studies and vocational training, will be our guest at the 10am service on Sunday 25 February 2024 at 10am.
At that service we will also be farewelling Philippa and John McKenna who are moving to Canberra shortly, so there will be a big morning tea.
Shrove Tuesday
On Tuesday evening we had a good roll-up for pancakes in the Pioneer Chapel - delicious they were too. We welcomes several ladies who attend our monthly service at Classic Residences, and were made very welcome at St Andrew's that evening.
Ash Wednesday
Our Ash Wednesday services were well attended and at the 7pm service our choir were in fine voice, despite having ash on their foreheads.
Good Friday Walk

