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Vicar's News - 19 November 2023

Updated: Nov 19, 2023

Narcisse Virgilio Diaz De La Pena, The Song of Deborah, 1852

Deborah is one of the most influential women in the Old Testament. She was a prophetess and a judge in Israel. Her story is primarily found in the Book of Judges, as a narrative in Judges 4 and as a poem or song in Judges 5.


Sunday's Music

Prelude: Improvisation on ‘Franconia’

Hymns: Processional Soldiers of Christ arise

Gradual Ye servants of the lord

Thanksgiving Let us with a gladsome mind

Post Communion Immortal, invisible, God only wise

Setting: Christ Church Mass – Philip Matthias (b. 1954)

Psalm: 90: 1-8, 12; Mallis (v1-8, response 12)

Anthem: Lord Jesus, think on me – Adapted from Psalm 45 (1579)

Communion: Aria di canzon Francese – Marcantonio Ingegneri (c.1535-1592)

Postlude: Ricercare del VII e VIII tono – Giovanni Gabrieli (c.1557-1612)


Brighton Covenant Churches

The AGM of the Brighton Covenant Churches of which we are part, was held on Wednesday. I am undertaking the role of Acting Secretary to the new Chairperson, Fr Jonathan Chamberlain (St Peter's) until the new Secretary, Jenny Raper (St Leonard's) takes over after Easter.


Farmer's Market

Saturday morning was the Farmers' Market. It was a pleasant day for our Parish BBQ

and our plant stall run by Ken Whelan and Gail Quilliam.


Mazi Garden Café

'Mazi' will open in the Old Schoolhouse building on 27 November, subject to staffing. As you will have seen, much work has gone into renovating the café and the outdoor garden seating. A coffee cart will be positioned adjacent to Church Street for passers-by and those choosing to sit in our grounds. Our Wednesday service congregation will be trying it out as soon as it is open.


Church Access Changes

To facilitate the construction of the new cloister running from the church to the new building, access will be restricted on the eastern side of the church from Tuesday

for about 12 months.

Access to the Parish Office and Garden of Remembrance will be via the yellow path shown below, and access from the church to the toilets will be via one of the blue paths.

Access to the Parish kitchen and small hall from the front of the church, is unaltered.

Wheelchair access will be via the cloister and then down the driveway.


Parish Annual Meeting

Our annual meeting will be held next Sunday in the church following the 10am service.

You can download a copy of the Annual Report here.

Nominations for office bearers for the 2023-24 year have closed and the following will be declared elected at the Parish Annual Meeting:

Churchwardens Andrew Bottomley

Johnson Xu

Ken Whelan

Parish Council Helen Cong

Simon Farrow

Jonathan Hough

Roger Pym

Incumbency Heather Sanderson

Committee Peter Gray

We thank them for their willingness to serve our parish in these roles.


Diary Dates

  • 26 November at 11.15am - Parish Annual Meeting

  • 1 December - launch of Bayside Council's Christmas celebrations with the Christmas tree to be placed on our Church Street frontage at 5pm

  • 2 December - concert by Melbourne Bach Choir at 7.30pm

  • 2 December - Advent Study Group commences 4.30pm

  • 3 December - Kids' Church at 11.30am

  • 3 December - St Andrew's Day - a special morning tea will follow our 10am service.

  • 3 December - concert by Victoria Brass at 7.30pm

  • 9 December - concert by Glen Eira City Choir at 2.30pm

  • 10 December - St Mary's Pre-school Christmas Pageant at 10am.

  • 10 December - Festive Choral Evensong at 6pm


Advent Study Groups

Saturdays during Advent (2, 9, 16 & 23 December) at 4.30pm to 5.30pm

in the Pioneer Chapel

Cost $10 for booklet (cash or EFT at first session)

Sign-up sheet in Narthex / entry OR

Enquiries to Mthr Xev 0413 111 277

and on Tuesdays




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