In this morning’s Gospel, another enthusiastic “Come and see”” - this time from Philip, who overlooks Nathanael’s scornful remark about Nazareth. Jesus recognises Nathanael’s innate goodness and integrity. He promises him that he will see greater things, the fulfilment of the prophecies, the establishment of the reign of God over humanity.
Jesus calls two new disciples in this reading. The first call is simplicity itself: “He found Philip and said to him, ‘Follow me’. The second is more complicated. It has to be mediated by Philip who “found” Nathanael (notice the use of the same word as when Jesus “found” Philip). Nathanael is sceptical at first but allows himself to be brought to Jesus. Then follows a conversation which is used by the evangelist to underscore who Jesus is. Nathanael says: “You are the Son of God! You are the King of Israel!” This is a very early profession of faith.
God communicates with us in many ways. Sometimes it may seem direct and unambiguous, at other times more indirect, as when the call is mediated by other people. Can you name men and women in your life who brought you to Jesus (as Philip brought Nathanael), or who made you aware of what Jesus was asking of you?

The funeral service for the late Charles Roger Sanderson will be held in the church on Friday 22 January 2021 at 2.30pm. Pre-register for this service here: http://stab.pub/2LFYg0F
Gardening shed
A new shed has been kindly erected by Jonathan Hough and Dwight King on the edge of the cemetery. It will be the repository of our gardening and litter collection tools so that the volunteers who assist in the grounds do not need access through the Parish Office.
Registration for all services is still required but if you have already been registered for a service in the past, your name should still remain on the list for all future services at that time. In addition, QR code signs (provided to us by Bayside City Council) have been re-installed in the Narthex, and can also be used for signing in where there are a lot of people queuing, such as is likely at Friday’s funeral.
Parish Office
We hope finally to be reconnected to the phone in the coming week. in the meantime the Parish Office phone number 03 95921240 has been redirected to Angela’s mobile.
This week at St Andrew’s
click here to see our calendar of services and events
Advance notice for your diaries
SACPA welcome & AGM will be held in the Lady Chapel on Friday 29 January at 8pm.
mainly music will recommence next year on Monday 4 February 2021
St Andrew’s Choir returns to church on 7 February when we will be commissioning the new choir members
Merry Melodies is returning next year on 11 February in the church – the second Tuesday of each month.


Vale Roger Sanderson
已故Roger Sanderson的葬礼将于2021年01月22日(周五)下午2:30在教堂举行。
在这里预先注册 :http://stab.pub/2LFYg0F
Jonathan Hough和Dwight King在公墓边缘友好地搭建了一个新棚子。它将是我们的园艺和垃圾收集工具的仓库,这样,协助工作的义工不需要通过教会办公室。
主要音乐Mainly Music将于2021年2月1日星期一重新开始
2021年2月11日,每个月的第二个星期二,“快乐的旋律” Merry Melodies将在教堂里回归。

Fr Ian Morrison牧师