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Vicar's News - 17 December 2023

Annibale Carracci, Saint John the Baptist Bearing Witness ca. 1600

Gaudete Sunday

The day takes its common name from the Latin word Gaudete ("Rejoice"), fr0m the opening line of the traditional choral introit used this the third Sunday in the liturgical season of Advent - "Rejoice in the Lord always; again I say, rejoice". It provides a break about halfway through a season which is otherwise of a penitential character, and signifies the nearness of the Lord's coming. To highlight the joyful nature of this day, vestment of rose colour are worn.


Sunday music


Prelude:               ‘Vom Himmel hoch, da komm Ich her’, BWV 701 –

Johann Sebastian Bach (1685-1750)

Hymns: Processional       Rejoice, the Lord is King

Gradual                Hail to the Lord’s anointed

Thanksgiving      For the fruits of all creation

Post Communion Tell out my soul

Setting:                St Andrew’s Mass – Timothy Mallis (b.1996)

Psalm:                   126; TiS 80

Anthem:              The three kings – Peter Cornelius (1824-1874), arr. Ivor Atkins

Motet:                  I sing of a maiden that is mateless – Charles Waters (1895-1975)

Postlude:             Toccata ‘Vom Himmel hoch, da komm Ich her’

Garth Edmundson (1892-1971)


St Mary's Pre-School Christmas Pageant

Last Sunday the children from St Mary's pre-School in Dendy Street visited us, with their parents and family, for their annual Christmas pageant - telling us the story of the birth of Jesus. They excelled themselves and it was a fun morning.

Following the service, parishioners provided a sausage sizzle and other food for the families attending the pageant and the weather was kind enough to facilitate this in the cloister courtyard. Thank you to all who assisted on the day.



Diarne Ravelle organised three wonderful Christmas hampers for a raffle which was drawn during refreshments after the service. All the winners were on-site so they could take their hampers home. Diarne, ably assisted by Andrew Bottomley raised nearly $700 for the Parish. Thanks to both Diarne and Andrew for their interest and efforts.



As you are probably aware, we share the use of the carpark with Mazi Café. Too often unassociated people are using our carpark all day. Recently we could hardly find a park on a Sunday morning. We intend to lock off the carpark in the evening and keep it closed until 9am the following day (except where the church has a service) to avoid people parking and going to work, some in the city. It is only a partial fix, but we need to reclaim as much of our own carpark as necessary. Those living and working onsite will have 24 hour access.


Christmas Services

Please note there will be no Sat@6 service on Saturrday 23 December.


Other Christmas, New Year and January Services

As Christmas Eve falls on a weekend, and there are a plethora of services available as detailed above, please note these changes the services on that weekend will; be:

No Sat@6 on 23 December.

No 8am Sunday on 24 December.

10am on @24 December will be a said service with hymns, no choristers

At the strategy morning earlier this year, it was suggested that we join our 8am & 10am services together during the school holidays so that we get to know others who we may not see or know well. So we will have only one service on a Sunday during this period -

9.30am on Sundays on 31 December and on 7, 14, 21 and 28 January.

All of these services will be on-line (technology willing) in case you are away and wish to tune in. The link is here. 

Sat@6 will remain active other than on 23 December. Sat@6 recommences on 30 December 2023 and on each Saturday in January 2024.

Other programs which are in Christmas recess will resume as follows:

• Lectio Divina resumes 9.30am Monday 5 February

• English Conversation group resumes 9.30am Tuesday 6 February

• Chinese Morning Prayer resumes 9.30am Thursday 8 February






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