Lent 2

St Luke records Jesus' lament over Jerusalem after declaring woes on the city's leaders. He expresses sorrow that Israel has continually rejected God's call for repentance in a metaphor that likens the Godhead to a mother hen, a rare biblical use of a feminine image for God.
Music for Sunday at 10am
Prelude: Elegy – John Ireland (1879-1962) (arr. Alec Rowley)
Hymns: Processional Ye servants of God, your Master proclaim
Gradual O love how deep, how broad, how high
Thanksgiving Glorious things of you are spoken
Post Communion The God of Abraham praise
Setting: Christ Church Mass - Philip Matthias (b. 1954)
Psalm: 27: 1-8 (RSCM)
Anthem: Be thou my vision – Bob Chilcott (b. 1955)
Motet: Nolo mortem peccatoris – Thomas Morley (1577/8-1602)
Postlude: Fugue in Eb minor – Jacques Ibert (1890-1962)

