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Vicar's News - 16 April 2023

This weekend we hear again of doubting Thomas of "I'll believe it when I see it" fame, one of my favourite reading because of Thomas' statement of realisation- "My Lord and my God'.


CHORAL EUCHARIST with Cantor - Chloe James

Prelude: Voluntary No. 2 in G major – William Walond (1719-1768)

Hymns: Processional Christ the Lord is risen again! NEH 105

Gradual Lead us, heavenly Father, lead us NEH 393

Thanksgiving Praise to the Lord, the Almighty NEH 440 v 1,3,6

Post Communion Guide me, O Thou great redeemer NEH 368

Setting: Christ Church Mass – Philip Matthias (b. 1954)

Psalm: 16; NPCW

Anthem: ‘I know that my Redeemer liveth’ from Messiah – G.F. Handel (1685-1759)

Communion: Improvisation on ‘Christ ist erstanden’

Postlude: Piano Sonata in C major, 1st movement, Hob. XVI:10 - Franz Josef Haydn


Dates for your diary

Sunday 23 April - ANZAC Day service at 10am (medals may be worn)

Saturday 6 May - vicarage front garden working bee at 9am

Sunday 7 May - Coronation Evensong at Trinity College Chapel at 5pm

Wednesday 21 June - Parish Dinner @ Pantry at 5.30pm

Easter Day

Big thank you to everyone who made Holy Week and Easter so special.


Gallery organ console

The organ console in the gallery is returning this week is returning this week having been upgraded, and the console in the transept will be removed for upgrading to a digital operation. When that returns we plan some special organ events to welcome the digital age to our organ operation.

The wooden risers are to be removed from the gallery to allow for alternate seating, so stay tuned for a working bee to assist in pulling apart the risers.


Gardeners to the ready

On Saturday 6 May at 9am we are having a working bee in the vicarage front garden to weed and remodel it to facilitate the BGS ride-on mower which cannot access all the curves at the present time. There will be refreshments so come along for a short or longer time to assist Ken and Gail who are leading the charge.






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