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Vicar's News - 15 November 2020

Updated: Nov 22, 2020

The servants in this morning's parable were each given talents according to their abilities. Each servant had potential - undeveloped skill. Potential is that God-given skill or ability that is within us and is what we are. It looks for the opportunity to be unlocked and developed.

Go to any Senior School Yearbook or Magazine and look at the Senior class and you will find those that have been given a special status by their peers---wittiest, most popular, best dressed, most talented, most spirited, most intelligent, friendliest, best looking, best all around, most athletic, most dependable and last but not least, most likely to succeed.

God has given all of us talents that we have the potential to develop. In fact, God has given us each of these talents with His hope that we will succeed and be fruitful and bring glory to Him.


This week we return to worship in church

Register for the services here

The present mandatory limit is 20 people + one clergy member at each service.

REGISTRATION is necessary due to the restricted numbers and because we have to collect this data for possible contact tracing by the State government in the event that COVID returns.

Those without the internet, or the courage give this a try, are welcome to ring the Parish Office 03 9592 1240 (the phone is still redirected) and the Vicar will book you in.


ZOOM services

The Bilingual Service will continue on Sunday morning at 11.00am (using the Zoom app). Similarly the Morning Prayer (in Chinese) service on Zoom will continue at 10am on Wednesdays.

These arrangements remain in place until the numbers allowed at our physical services can be increased.



Many happy returns to Frances Nicholls who turned 100 on Saturday. We celebrated this wonderful milestone at our first Sat@ 6 service back from lockdown. I believe it is quite the party weekend for Frances.

Great news, too, from the Anglican Appellate Tribunal of the national Anglican church who have confirmed that those who have been married in a civil ceremony, can be lawfully blessed in a ceremony in Anglican churches. This extends to same-sex partners. This is great news for the Diocese of Wangaratta and Newcastle whose Synods have already approved liturgies for this purpose. The Archbishop of Melbourne has asked Archbishop-in-Council to discuss a way forward. This will no doubt be a protracted as was the issue of women’s ordination due to some conservative opinions and unenlightened interpretations of scripture still held in twenty-first century Melbourne. May the day come swiftly when we can celebrate same-sex marriages in this church. Being gay or lesbian is not a lifestyle choice nor a sin – all are equal in the humanity of God’s creation. It is how we treat others in sexual matters that counts and this applies to us all, straight or gay.



Our Parish Annual Meeting will be held on Saturday 28 November at 11am using the ZOOM app. You can download a copy of the Notice & Agenda here. We have a special page on our website for Annual Meeting information (in case you lose the details) and it can be accessed here or from the front page of our website.

Congratulations to those who have nominated and will be appointed as Churchwardens and Parish Council members. There will be an election for members of the Incumbency Committee and voting papers will be forwarded to all those on the Parish Electoral Roll soon.

The formal list of nominees can be viewed here.


Movies, movies, movies…

Apart from our video Eucharist being filmed this week, there was small group of people making a short film in our cemetery. This was a project of a young man who will submit it for assessment and entry into film school.

This week a TAC commercial is being filmed in Church Street and the street may be partially blocked off on Wednesday.

In December, there will be a segment of the Netflix production ‘Clickbait’ being filmed on the front steps of the church. They have previously shot a scene in the cemetery (what is it about cemeteries??), and will be returning for another shoot of a different episode. The series will be released in 2021.


This week at St Andrew’s:


8.00 am – Holy Eucharist in the church [register here]

10.00 am – Holy Eucharist in the church [register here]

11am – Bi-lingual service [join here]

Anytime – Video Eucharist [watch]


1.30pm – English Conversation Class [join here]


10am – Morning Prayer (in Chinese) [join here]

10.30am – Midweek Eucharist [register here]


10am – Bible study (in English) [join here]


7.30pm – Alpha Course (in Chinese) [join here]


6.00 pm – Sat@6 in the church [register here]

Sunday 22 November

8.00 am – Holy Eucharist in the church [register here]

10.00 am – Holy Eucharist in the church [register here]


Greg Biggin, who died last Friday, will be sent forth to God at a funeral service at St Andrew’s tomorrow, Monday 16 November. The funeral is at 10am and you can watch it live (or anytime afterwards) at this link:

You can download a copy of the funeral service here.


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