Agnus Dei - The Lamb of God - John 1.29
In the biblical times, lambs were sacrificed in the temple to ask for the forgiveness of sins. Christians have no need to sacrifice animals to seek forgiveness. Jesus already did that for us, once and for all time as God’s perfect offering — the true sacrificial Lamb of God.
He suffered, died and rose for the forgiveness of our sins and for our salvation.
Behold, the Lamb of God, who takes away the sin of the world. – John 1:29

Xeverie to Canterbury
Mthr Xeverie is off to The Canterbury Conference at the end of January. This conference is for new Anglican clerics who are in the early years of their ordained ministry. It is intended as an investment in the future of the Anglican Communion, and those who come are ministers who will make a contribution in the years ahead.
There will be students from all over the worldwide Anglican Communion. It is designed to provide an intensive community experience for them during their time in Canterbury. This year is the 20th presentation; in that time Canterbury cathedral have welcomed guests from over 50 countries.
The aim of the conference is to broaden horizons by exploring the strength of Anglicanism in practising Communion in a diversity of cultures. The aim is for all participants to understand better with heart and mind the nature of the Anglican Church worldwide, and therefore be wiser and better ministers within it.
At least one day will be spent in London, visiting the offices of the Anglican Communion and Lambeth Palace and a welcome by the Archbishop of Canterbury. There will also be an opportunity to explore different aspects of the life and work of Canterbury Cathedral.
Xev will be taking the opportunity to also visit Rome, Florence and Assisi whilst in Europe, and will be back on the 18th Feb well rested, bright eyes, bushy tail and full of reflections to share!!
Music this weekend
Prelude: Wer nun den lieben Gott lässt walten, BWV 690, 691, 691a – Johann Sebastian Bach (1685-1750)
Hymns: Processional Hark! a herald voice is calling TiS 264 (t272)
Gradual All hail the power of Jesus’ name TiS 224(i) v1,3,5
Thanksgiving Joyful, joyful, we adore you TiS 152
Post Communion Lo! he comes with clouds descending TiS 273 v1,3,4
Setting: Christ Church Mass – Philip Matthias (b. 1954)
Postlude: Improvisation on Helmsley
St Andrew’s future - ideas
The Parish Council want all parishioners to be aware that the Parish is in a precarious financial position (like many others), and to be aware of the impact that this is likely to have on St Andrew’s future.
Unless adequate funding can be secured, significant reductions will be necessary and these will, in turn, have further negative financial, worship and pastoral consequences.
The Parish Council have already explored many possibilities whilst also continuing to seek further support from outside the Parish. They want to exhaust all avenues of potential revenue and your thoughts on the way forward would be welcome to ensure no possibility is overlooked.
A special meeting with Parish Council members on Saturday 28 January at 9am in the small Parish Hall.
If you have a suggestion on how we might generate a significant income boost, you are welcome to attend and present your idea. This is your chance to have input into possible sources of income or adaptations to preserve our parish services and activities as they presently exist.
To keep us focussed on positive future proposals (rather than a discussion of the past), 3 minutes will be allocated as the maximum time to present each idea. The Parish Council will then take up all the suggestions for further consideration.
If you would like to explore any preliminary thoughts beforehand, or discuss our financial position as presented at the Annual Meeting in November, please call me on 0421321321.

This year we will be celebrating Australia Day on Sunday 29 January 2023 at 10am. Your choice of red, white and blue or yellow and green clothing.

Our Op Shop reopens on Wednesday 18 January 2023. We are very grateful for all the work contributed by our volunteers -Lorraine, Jan, Andrew, Marie, Annie, Betty, Helen, Wendy and Peter. Donations can be dropped in from Wednesday.
We look forward to the the Op Shop trading being extended to a fourth day - Tuesday to Friday inclusive.
If you are interested in assisting in the Op Shop or know someone who might be, please let me know and I will introduce them to the Op Shop Committee members.

Confirmation by our Bishop
Those who have been baptised as children, or as an adult, may wish to be confirm their faith commitment before our Bishop who will be with us at St Andrew's on 26 March for a confirmation service. We have two candidates so far, and if you know of anyone who would like to be confirmed, please have them speak to Ian or Xeverie.
Office phone number
\We are having some issues with Telstra concerning our phone line. In the meantime, please ring Angela Alomes on 0411 702 513 until our line is restored.
Our photocopier needs supplies but these have been delayed since December. This week our pew sheets will be in black and white and there is a limited number in order to preserve the toner. Apologies.

Thank you to those who assisted the wardens in moving furniture in the Parish offices to allow for painting, and in gardening along the St Andrews Street frontage.
