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Vicar's News - 14 November 2021

Remembrance Sunday

Today we remember those who died in military service to bring freedom and stability to our country. The Anglican Church follows the Sunday closest to 11th November, remembering particularly those died in World War One and World War Two but those in subsequent wars and involvements as recently as Afghanistan and Iraq.

Our services, as in each Remembrance Sunday, will include an Act of Remembrance which includes a minute's silence.


This week we return to church and our services will resume as follows:

Sundays 8am - Holy Eucharist in the Pioneer Chapel

10am - Choral Eucharist in the church

Wednesdays 10.30am - in the Lady Chapel

Saturdays Sat@6 - Contemporary Eucharist in the Pioneer Chapel

QR code entry and proof of double vaccination required at all services.

There will be no refreshments following the 10am service this Sunday



Our warm congratulations to Lucy and Campbell who were married today (Saturday) by Fr Roger and I in the first parish wedding following the end of the COVID lockdown (N0. 6). It was a beautiful wedding for the Stretch and Patrick families.


QR favourites

Now that we are continue using the QR codes for access to most facilities and venues are presently required to check your vaccination status, you can speed up your entry by saving your entry as a favourite in the Services Victoria app on your phone.

Angela has prepared an instruction sheet (above) on how to do this, and you can download a copy here. This procedure saves having to use the QR code every time you go to the same place. Just open the app, mores the button for the relevant place and you can register without queuing to use the code each time. You will still have to show you check-in page to the sides people.


The Reverend Sam Wells, vicar of St Martin's In the Fields, London is the founder of HeartEdge - people, churches and organisations growing compassionate response to need, cultural and commercial activity and congregational life. HeartEdge is about sharing, connecting, growing support and developing - finding new ways of being at the heart on the edge.

HeartEdge Melbourne is now on Facebook, led by Bishop Kate Prowd and Fr John Sanderson. You can join and see the activities available, such as a book group, here.


Patronal Festival - St Andrew's Day lunch

On Sunday 28 November we will be celebrating our Patronal Festival and there will be a lunch in the cloister courtyard (weather permitting) or in the church, following the 10am service. Please register to attend here.




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