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Vicar's News - 14 June 2020

This Sunday at St Andrew’s Brighton we celebrate the feast of Corpus Christi.

This week I have been preparing the church for our services commencing on Wednesday 24 June at 11am, and on Sunday 28 June at 9.30am. There is much to do to fulfil the current government and Diocesan requirements for the recommencement of services. We need a separate path for entry and exit, socially distanced spacing for those queuing to enter where your name has to checked off our registration list so we maintain a record of who attended in case of a virus outbreak. We also need social distancing markers for those waiting to receive Holy Communion, directional signs so we don’t bump into one another when coming and going, and hand sanitisers for entry and exit. We now have a new parish cleaner, and so some instructions were necessary about the cleaning protocols required to be undertaken on a Tuesday and Friday once we reopen. All should be in readiness to welcome you back. It is, however, very cold in the church, so please rug up.

Our initial services are limited as is the case with all our local Anglican churches. They are at different times to those in the pre-COVID world. We will come together for joint services  until restrictions are relaxed and a ‘new normal’ can be established, recognising just how different things are at the moment, how different our services will be without singing, and the impact that this virus has had on all of us and on the Parish as a whole. There is plenty of room for those who attended Saturday@6, Friday@7.30am and Monday Meditation at our Wednesday service at 11am. The 8.30, 10am and Chinese Sunday services can join together at 9.30am. Or you can just mix-and-match, or come to both services. Why don't you make arrangements with your friends to attend the same service to ensure that you you see them, though social distancing rules will apply before, during and after the services? Some, however, may prefer to be socially isolated for longer and this is understandable in the uncertainty of the current environment.


is necessary for every service so that we can ensure that the maximum permitted number of attendees is not exceeded and to facilitate an easy entry to the service where names and phone numbers are required. it may not be possible to simply come along or for visitors to join us by coming through the open doors. Please call me on 0421321321 or Michelle on 0403642178 or send an email to The Parish office remains closed at this time. Angela is on leave until early August. Michelle and I are often in the office but we are only part-time.

Some of our hall hirers are enquiring about restarting next month. This will be a great help financially as the Parish Centre has been closed for several months. However current social distancing requirements will still impact these activities in the hall, which users will have to clean and leave free for an hour after each session. In future our halls and conference rooms will be managed by Shared Community Campus, an arm of Brighton Grammar. This will integrate the hall bookings directly with our bookkeeping and take some pressure off our Parish Office.

Our Op Shop volunteers are also preparing to return, but because of their age they have opted to remain socially isolated for a bit longer. This gives them the opportunity of ensuring that they each have a Clearance for Service required by the Diocese for all Op Shop volunteers. There are also new requirements from the Diocese which will impact on the handling of second-hand clothing, so additional planning is necessary.

A huge thank you

to all those who have given generously to our appeal so far. Rebuilding our finances is an imperative if we are to sustain ministry in Brighton and maintain our facilities. A donation form can be downloaded here.

本周,我们崇拜的主题是Corpus Christi的盛宴

本周,我一直在为教会开始的崇拜做准备,崇拜将于6月24日(星期三)上午11点开始,以及6月28日(星期日)上午9.30点开始。 为满足可以重新开放崇拜,我们仍有很多工作要做。 我们需要设置单独的进出路径,为那些排队进入的人们设置安全距离,我们还要对参加者的名字进行登记,记录在名单上,以便在病毒爆发时保持追踪。我们还需对等待领受圣餐的人们设置社交隔离标志,行进方向标志等,以确保人们在进出、进行手部清洁时不会碰到彼此。我们有一个新的教区清洁工,因此,对于教会重新开放后每周二和周五的常规清洁,进行一些说明是非常必要的。我们所做的一切,都是为了欢迎你们的回到教会。但是,教堂很冷,请携带一个披肩。

我们的首次崇拜是有限的,这是所有的圣公会教会的情况。 这将与COVID之前的时期不一样。我们将团结一致,直到放宽限制和“新常态”建立为止,请认识到,目前的状况与以往是非常不同的,这将影响到我们整个教会以及教会中的每一个人。 我们提供了充足的空间给大家,周六6点、周五7.30、周一的静默以及周三11点、周日上午8.30和10.00的崇拜可以合并到周日上午9.30。

必须要进行登记注册,以确保参加崇拜的最多人数不会超过规定的限制,并且可以让人们方便地进入那些需要登记姓名和电话的服务。请拨打我的电话 0421321321 或者发送邮件到 教会办公室在现阶段仍然保持关闭。Angela 休假将持续到8月, Michelle 和我将会在办公室,但是我们只是部分时间办公。

大厅的出租将于下个月开始,这对我们教会的财务将是一个很大的帮助,因为我们教会已经关闭了几个月。但是,当前的社交疏散要求可能仍会影响大厅中的活动,使用者必须在每次活动后清理并留出一个小时的空闲时间。将来,我们的大厅和会议室将由Brighton Grammar的分支机构Shared Community Campus管理。并减轻我们教会办公室的压力。

我们的Op Shop志愿者也正准备返回,但由于年龄原因,他们选择隔绝更长的时间。这使我们有机会确保他们每个人都能够按照教区对所有Op Shop志愿者所要求的进行消毒。 教区也提出了新要求,这将影响二手衣服的处理。





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