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Vicar's News - 13 October 2024

St Francis of Assisi, 2024
by Mother Moira Evers, Vicar St Paul’s Myrtleford
Anglican Alpine Parish

Blessing of the Pets

Blessed are you, Lord God, maker of all living creatures. You called forth fish in the sea, birds in the air and animals on the land. You inspired Saint Francis to call all of them his brothers and sisters. You have given us innocent companions on our life journey, animals wild and tame. They are wonderful in all their variety of shapes, sizes and abilities. We marvel at their beauty, which draws us closer to you who made them.

At the 10am service we will be blessing our pets, and also (unrelatedly!) commissioning Jared Thomas as the Head Chorister for 2024-25. Congratulations Jared.


Music for Sunday


Prelude: The Swan from Carnival of the Animals – Camille Saint-Saëns (1835-1921) (arr. Alexandre Guilmant)

Hymns: Processional All creatures of our God and King

Gradual O God, your creatures fill the earth (Gillette)

Offertory All things bright and beautiful (Constable, Hoy)

Anthem: King of glory, King of peace – Johann Sebastian Bach (1685-1750)

(arr. W.H. Harris)

Postlude: Toccata from Symphonie 5 – Charles-Marie Widor (1844-1937)


Prelude: An Interlude – Harold Darke (1888-1976)

Hymns: Processional All praise to our redeeming Lord

Dismissal The day thou gavest, Lord, is ended

Responses: Ferial

Psalm: 90:12-17 Chipp in D (RSCM)

Canticles: Ferial

Anthem: Holy, holy, holy – Franz Schubert (1797-1828)

Postlude: Fugue in Eb BWV 552/2 – J.S. Bach (1685-1750)


Annual Meeting

Our Parish Annual Meeting will be held on Sunday 24 November 2024 at 11.30am in the church following refreshments after the 10am service. You can download the agenda here. Please note this in your diaries.

Those leaders of our various parish groups are requested to submit their report for the year ending 30 September 2024 to the Parish Office ( as soon as they are finalised.

The Parish Electoral Roll will be formally updated next Sunday 20 October and subsequently displayed on the noticeboard in the Narthex. If you wish to vote at the Parish Annual Meeting and have not been on that Roll previously, you can complete a form to be on the Roll by downloading it here. The Parish Electoral Committee, comprising myself and Ken Whelan, may also send you a form during the week if you qualify for voting even if you do not intend to attend the meeting this year.


Parish Council meeting

This week's Parish Council meeting (Tuesday) will be deferred a week to allow the Churchwardens to approve of a budget to be brought to that meeting. The meeting will be held on Tuesday 22 October at 7.30pm by Zoom.



Thank you to those who attended Melbourne Anglican Synod on behalf of our Parish this past week. For the first time there was not enough business for Synod to meet to meet on Friday evening (aye). One contentious motion concerning conversion therapy (which is illegal in Victoria) was withdrawn on legal advice. In other business, the Diocese is crying poor and intends to sell up some parish property (not ours), despite putting on additional full-time staff member for Indigenous oversight, and a disability officer. Archbishop-in-Council has also promised to use 13% of the proceeds of property sales for indugineous ministry in Victoria, whilst no longer providing low-cost holiday accommodation for clergy and parishes at its holiday homes at Point Lonsdale and Cowes in breach of its trust obligations. More on our contributions through assessment at our Parish Annual Meeting. There was also a meaningful tribute to our outgoing Archbishop, Dr Philip Frier and his wife, Joy.





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