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Vicar's News - 13 March 2022

Charles Lock Eastlake. Christ lamenting over Jerusalem, 1846, Tate Gallery

This painting was inspired by lines from the New Testament, including verses 37 and 38 from St Matthew's gospel which forms part of the gospel reading this weekend. In this passage Christ foretells the destruction of Jerusalem. Eastlake incorporates a number of symbols which directly allude to Christ's prophecy. For example, the axe in the tree foreshadows Jerusalem's fall, while the shepherd carrying a sheep symbolises Christ as the good shepherd.


Funeral for Tony Avery

The funeral for Tony Avery will be held on Tuesday 15 March at 2pm in the church.

The service will be live-streamed on-line at that time, or viewed afterwards afterwards

by clicking HERE.

Following the service, there will be a reception at the Royal Brighton Yacht Club.

Transport to the reception from, and back to, the church or to 'The Crescent Brighton' has been arranged.


Sat@6 - Evening Prayer with Alice King

As Alice and Dwight will be leaving Australia soon, I have invited Alice to preach and conduct the Sat@6 service this weekend - 12 March. It will be an evening prayer service rather than a Eucharist.


Morning tea - Dwight & Alice King

Following the 10am service on Sunday we will be having morning tea in the Cloister Courtyard as a farewell to Alice and Dwight who will be moving back to the US soon.

Please join us. You are welcome to bring a suitable plate for the refreshments.


From our signboard


Lenten Studies

Our studies, being led by the Reverend Xeverie De-Leon, has begun.

Everyone is welcome to come to any session.


Morning Prayer in Chinese

A new service of Morning Prayer, in Chinese, has begins this Thursday.


Good Friday - Pilgrim Walk of Witness

The Brighton Covenant of Churches' annual Pilgrim Walk of Witness will be held this year on Good Friday 15th April at 10.30am. You are invited to walk with your fellow Christians on Good Friday in prayer and visible unity among the congregations of the Brighton Covenant Churches. We will gather on the foreshore near the Brighton Baths (details to be confirmed closer to the event). We will then proceed along the foreshore, stopping for readings from Luke’s Gospel and prayers. We conclude at St Andrew's for refreshments, including hot cross buns.

The annual Pilgrim Walk of Witness is a central event in the ecumenical life of the Church in Brighton. We do hope you are able to share in this event with other Christians here in Brighton. We look forward to sharing in this with you on Good Friday again this year. Please mark this date in your diary.


More community engagement in our grounds

Ladies who lunch, with children, found the sun on the Church Street lawn this week.

We hosted some out-of-towners, from Box Hill High School, visiting Brighton

and St Andrew's.





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