Harvest in Provence by Vincent van Gogh (1853-1890)
Third Sunday after Pentecost
On Sunday at 10am there will be no refreshments following the service because of the need to allow a 4 sq. metre between attendees under the new COVID rules. However, I trust that this may be relaxed next week.
Evensong will be held this Sunday 13 June at 6 pm in the warm Lady Chapel. No pre-registration is necessary but QR Code check-in is required on arrival.
Volunteer Rosters
Thank you to all those who give their time on volunteer rosters and have responded with availability for the next roster period from 3 July to 31 October. If you have not already done so, please advise your team leader or the Parish Office now of your availability, including if you are no longer available. Thank you.
Op Shop Re-opening!
The Op Shop is excited to be re-opening this Wednesday 16 June at 10 am with a sale on selected items. The shop is open Wednesdays and Thursdays 10am to 3pm.
