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Vicar's News - 12 July 2020

Updated: Oct 13, 2020

This Sunday at St Andrew’s Brighton is Sea Sunday – celebrating seafarers all over the world who work tirelessly to bring us the goods we rely on every day. In particular we thank God for the work of the ‘The Mission to Seafarers’, an Anglican mission doing vital work helping and supporting 1.5 million men and women who face danger every day to keep the global economy afloat. The Mission has a presence in 200 ports in 50 countries caring for seafarers of all ranks, nationalities and beliefs through a global network of chaplains, staff and volunteers. They offer practical, emotional and spiritual support through ship visits, drop-in seafarers’ centres and a range of welfare and emergency support services. You can find out more about their work and to donate in support of the work of The Mission to Seafarers here.

All in-church services, except weddings and funerals, are no longer possible due to the stage 3 COVID-19 restrictions applying in Melbourne.

On Wednesday we celebrated our last in-church service for some time due to the reintroduction of the stage 3 COVID restrictions.

However, you can participate at home in:

· our video service on YouTube is available each Sunday – the link is at top of the Vicar’s News each week, and also on the Home page of our website

· our bi-lingual Zoom service on Sundays at 10am (join)- soon to include Holy Eucharist 

· Morning Prayer in Chinese, a Zoom service on Wednesdays at 9.00am (join)

In addition, there are now Zoom bible studies available:

· in English – Thursday mornings at 10am (join), and

· in Chinese – Friday at 7.30pm (join).

Plus - ‘Catch up with the Vicar and friends’ is back on Wednesdays at 10.30am (join)

You can join on line or by phone. If you need help connecting with us, call 0421 321 321.

These activities and all the links and resources are listed on the website page:

“They are back!”Communion packs (consecrated wafers intincted with wine) enable you to participate in the sacrament of Holy Eucharist during our video and Zoom services on Sundays. Click here or call 0421 321 321 for immediate delivery.

With COVID-19 restrictions increase3, it is now recommended (but not mandated) that masks be worn in public where social distancing cannot be assured. St Andrew’s has a supply of masks if you are regularly in a situation where wearing one might be necessary. Click here or call 0421 321 321 for immediate delivery.

Despite the doom and gloom in the news, our Op Shop is re-opening on Wednesday 15 July. Due to the escalation of the COVID restrictions, the Op Shop will trade on a reduced number of days - Wednesdays and Thursdays each week – 10am – 4.00pm, and, and for the next few weeks, it will be staffed by members of its management committee armed with gloves, sanitiser and masks. A COVID-19 plan has been agreed and submitted to the Diocese.

Glamour glasses have been found in the church after last Sunday's service. Jackie Onassis no longer requires them, but if they are yours please let the Vicar know and they can be dropped in to you.

Thank you to all those who have given generously to our appeal so far. Rebuilding our finances is an imperative if we are to sustain ministry in Brighton and maintain our facilities, particularly after September or whenever JobKeeper ends. On-line donations or donation form can be found here.



由于墨尔本实施第3 阶段COVID-19限制,除婚礼和葬礼外,停止所有教堂内的崇拜。

由于重新引入了第3 阶段的COVID限制,因此上星期三我们庆祝了我们的最后一次教堂崇拜,因此教会将会关闭一段时间,但是,您可以在家中参加以下的崇拜何学习:

· 每个周日都有视频崇拜YouTube每个星期天-链接在牧师是在顶部的每星期牧师的新闻,并且还对主页p 时代我们的网站

· 我们的中英双语崇拜恢复到主日上午10时,崇拜会包括圣餐(点击加入

· 中文晨祷,周三上午9点(点击加入


· 英文-周四上午10点(点击加入),以及

· 中文–星期五晚上7.30 (点击加入)。

“每周与主任牧师的聊天” 周三上午10:30时(点击加入

您可以在线或通过电话加入。如果您需要帮助,请致电0421 321 321

“新的恢复” – 在周日在我们的视频和Zoom崇拜期间,我们将提供已经祝圣的圣餐礼包。点击这里来索取,或致电0421 321 321 牧师会把圣餐礼包送到你的家中。

随着COVID-19限制的提升到3级,现在建议(但不是强制性的)在无法确保社交距离的公共场所佩戴口罩。如果您经常需要戴口罩,我们教会有一些口罩提供。单击此处或致电0421 321 321 可以立即送货。

尽管面对新冠病毒的消息带来的阴霾,但我们的二手店Op Shop仍将于7月15日(星期三)重新营业。由于COVID限制的升级,Op Shop的开放日缩减位二天: 每周的星期三和星期四-上午10点-下午4.00 。在接下来的几周内,二手店的管理委员会出台了应对疫情的方案,并提交并得到教会的认可。在开放时期,二手店提供手套,酒精洗手液以及口罩。






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