'St Andrew's Mass' -a new setting by Timothy Mallis
This new congregational mass setting has been gifted to St Andrew’s Brighton for the express purpose of establishing a unique tone to our choral services. While a sense of variety is in mind, this work has been specially written to be learned quickly and easily by congregational singers and for both regular parishioners and visitors to all feel included.
Come along at 9.45am on Sunday to have a sing through of this new setting with Tim and the Choral Lay Clerks prior to the 10am service.
Choral Eucharist
10am Sunday, with the Lay Clerks
Hymns: Processional All praise to our redeeming Lord
Gradual Brother, sister, let me serve you
Thanksgiving Praise to the holiest in the height
Post Communion I vow to thee my country
Setting: St Andrew’s Mass – Timothy Mallis (b.1996)
Psalm: 112 TiS 69
Anthem: A new commandment – Richard Hubbard (b.1961)
Motet: Holy is the true light – William H. Harris (1883-1973)
Postlude: Fuga in a, LübWV 16 – Vincent Lübeck (1654-1740)
Choral Evensong
Evensong, with the Lay Clerks, on Sunday at 5pm.
Prelude: Aria – Adam Valentin Volkmar (1770-1852)
Hymns: Processional All people that on earth do dwell
Dismissal The God of Abraham praise
Responses: Stalnaker
Psalm: 130; Goss in D minor (RSCM)
Canticles: Stainer in Eb
Anthem: Round me falls the night – Adam Drese (1620-1701) NCAB
Postlude: Aus tiefer Not schrei ich zu dir (Psalm 130), BWV 686
Johann Sebastian Bach (1685-1750)
Communion - wafers and wine

We have been asked whether we will be going back to having the chalice distributed at communion, instead of using wafers that have been intincted with wine. Personally, with COVID remaining so rampant, I would not be using a chalice that others have breathed into, but that it a matter for each person's personal health plan.
If there is sufficient support for the return to a chalice, then this can be arranged once we re-vivify our roster of Eucharistic Assistances.
This week, at each service, we will be asking for a show of hands as to what proportion of people at each service would like to drink from the cup.
If there is sufficient people who wish to have the chalice, then this can be arranged, subsequent to the roster being formed. If we have the cup, then the wafers will no longer be intincted with a cross of wine (which is a big job).
Of your charity, please remember in your prayers the following who have died recently:
Joan Rofe
Allan Varney
Judy Rechner
Michael Taylor AO
May they rest in peace and rise in glory.
Lectio Divina
There will be no Lectio Divina this Monday as it is a public holiday.

