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Vicar's News - 10 November 2024

Remembrance Sunday

‘No one has greater love than this, than to lay down one’s life for one’s friends.

You are my friends,’ says the Lord, ‘if you do what I command you.’ John 15:13-14

11 November 1918, marked the end of the first World War by the guns of the Western Front falling silent after four years of continuous warfare. From June of 1918, the five divisions of the Australian Corps had been one of the leading forces in the advance to victory. At the rural town of La Hamel in the early summer, they helped to turn the tide of the war at Amiens in August, followed by the capture of Mont St Quentin and Pèronne, and the breaching of German defences at the Hindenburg Line in September. The exhausted Australian divisions were withdrawn from battle.

By late October early November discussions of an armistices were on the lips of leadership and by the 11th hour of the 11th day of November 1918, and Armistice was signed and Remembrance Day was instigated.

The Australian’s suffered almost 48,000 casualties during 1918, including more than 12,000 dead. Across the period of 1914-1918 more than 330,000 Australians had served overseas, and more than 60,000 of them had died. The effects of the war permeated thinking and wove itself into the fabric of Australian society.

We mark Remembrance day as reminder to the conclusion of the war that was suppose to ‘end all wars’.

Medals may be worn

Music on Sunday


Prelude: Elegy – George Thalben-Ball (1896-1987)

Hymns: Processional Christ, whose glory fills the skies

Gradual God who watches o’er the nations

     Thanksgiving Amazing grace

     Post Communion The strife is o’er, the battle done

Setting: Christ Church Mass – Philip Matthias (b. 1954)

Psalm: A Song of Isaiah (Mallis)

Anthem: And I saw a new heaven – Malcolm Archer (b.1952)

Motet: Verily, verily I say unto you – Thomas Tallis (1505-1585)

Postlude: Tuba Tune – Craig Sellars Lang (1891-1971)


Prelude: A Ground (Evening Hymn) – Henry Purcell (1659-1695) (arr. Harvey Grace)

Hymns: Processional Praise to the Lord, the Almighty NEH 440 v1,3,6

Dismissal Glory to thee, my God, this night NEH 244 v1,2,4,5

Responses:       Stalnaker

Psalm:             146  Stanford in D (RSCM)

Canticles:         Colchester Service – Alan Bullard (1947-)

Anthem:           O for a closer walk with God – Charles Villiers Stanford (1852-1924)

Postlude:          Rhapsody No 3 – Herbert Howells (1892-1983)





Our Parish Annual Meeting will be held on 24 November following refreshments after the 10am service. The Agenda can be downloaded here. Those who usually provide reports are requested to have these to the Parish office by Tuesday of this week to facilitate the preparation of the Annual Report 2024.

Nominations for Churchwardens, Parish Council members and Parish Nominators (Incumbency Committee) must be received by 3pm on Friday. You can download a nomination form here.

The Parish Annual Report for 2024 will be issued to those on our Parish Electoral Roll next weekend. The updated Parish Electoral Roll is on the noticeboard in the narthex (entry).


Funeral flowers

On Friday we farewelled Beth Lyons, a long-time member of our 8am service, with a requiem funeral. The church was filled with the aroma of beautiful flowers and incense. Thank you to Tim Renouf who assisted at the funeral.


Coffee + Chat

On Wednesday Brian Comport spoke to us, during our monthly Coffee + Chat, about model railways. It was a most enlightening talk about this still popular hobby and he brought some tain sets as examples. Many of us relived our past fondness for Tri-ang and Hornby trains.


Parish Hall

Renovations to the Parish Hall are on-going but coming to completion. New carpet tiles have now been laid and the room will be available for use soon. The new blinds will be installed shortly.


Judy Robertson

As many of you know, Judy Robertson has moved to new accommodation at Brighton Beach. Helen Cong visited recently and provided some photos of Judy.





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