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Vicar's News - 10 March 2024

Tempi Madonna by Raphael, c.1508,


Laetare is the first word — meaning “rejoice” — in the Latin text of the antiphon (opening words) for this fourth Sunday in the church's season of Lent. On Laetare Sunday (as similarly with the Third Sunday of Advent's Gaudete Sunday) the Church expresses hope and joy in the midst of our Lenten fasts and penances and the colour 'rose' is worn to distinguiah this day from the other Sundays in Lent.

 In the Anglican tradition, this day is also 'Mothering Sunday', as it was the custom for those who had moved away for work to come back and visit their 'mother church' and their own mothers. In earlier times, the servants were armed with some 'simnel cake' and flowers to give to their mothers.

Last Sunday we had some liturgical dance during the final hymn. It you were not there, didn't't watch on-line, nor saw the clip on our Facebook page, then you can watch it here.

This weekend is a mid-term break and the choir are represented by our Lay Clerks.

This week, there is:

·       No Lent Study this Saturday 9 March;  Study resumes Saturday 16 March @ 4.30pm

·       No Lectio Divina this Monday (Labour Day Public Holiday)


Music on Sunday



Prelude:           Chorale - William Mathias (1934-1992)

Hymns:             Processional    Come down, O love divine

Gradual Let all the world in every corner sing

Thanksgiving    For the beauty of the earth

Post Communion Sing we of the blessed mother

Setting:            Christ Church Mass – Philip Matthias (b. 1954)

Psalm:              34: 11-20 (NPCW)

Anthem:           Plainchant Magnificat

Motet:              The Lord bless you and keep you – John Rutter (b. 1945)

Postlude:          Toccata – Eugène Gigout (1844-1925) 



Prelude:           ‘Was Gott tut, das ist wohlgetan’, Op. 65, No. 14 – Sigfrid Karg-Elert (1877-1933)

Hymns:             Processional    Be thou my vision

Dismissal Glory to thee, my God, this night

Responses:       Ferial

Psalm:              119: 73-80; Goss in Ab (RSCM)

Canticles:        Plainchant

Anthem:           Faith will not grow from words alone – Vernon Griffiths (1894-1985)

Postlude:          ‘Nun danket alle Gott’, Op. 65, No. 13 – Sigfrid Karg-Elert (1877-1933)


Thursday Morning Prayer

It was a treat for me to conduct Morning Prayer with many of our Chinese parishioners on Thursday. The service was bi-lingual and I must say their English liturgical pronunciation was very good.





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