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Vicar's News - 10 July 2022

Emil Andersen, The Good Samaritan, 1844

'Love thy neighbour!' - the second of Jesus's two great commandments. But who is our neighbour? The parable of the Good Samaritan suggests that it may be the one least expected. More at the weekend.

A busy week - we had a photoshoot on Wednesday for a new venture at the Op Shop to be announced shortly. There were lots of photos taken and various outfits worn by our models - Chloe and Josh from the choir - who were very photogenic.

It was tree-lopping week in the church grounds, this week to ensure the safety of those using the church site and to clear up overgrowth before Spring, and then next week it will be adjacent to the tennis courts to facilitate the new building.

Our choir lay clerks will be in fine voice on Sunday evening for this month's Choral Evensong.

Thank you to those who have volunteered to assisy on a roster to lock up the church in the evenings once we reopen the doors on a daily basis. More helpers will be most welcome.


Vale Fr Barry Martin AM

Sadly Fr Barry has died at Mayflower. His funeral is likely to be next week on a day to be advised. Barry pre-prepared his funeral service so it will be rather special. A separate email will provide details of the funeral and video link, if applicable.

Please pray for Anne and their daughters.

May he Rest In Peace and rise in glory.


Choral Evensong this evening



Emergency Evacuation Diagram

We have a new diagram which has been placed at appropriate spots around the church. if you are a sides person, or haven't been to the church for some time, please familiarise yourself with the exits. Basically you can leave via any of the external doors but some are designated with exit signage.






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