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Vicar's News - 1 September 2024

Martyrs of New Guinea

The Martyrs of New Guinea were Christians including clergy, teachers, and medical staff serving in New Guinea who were executed during the Japanese invasion during World War II in 1942 and 1943. A total of 333 church workers including Papuans and visiting missionaries from a range of denominations were killed during the invasion.

Learn more about these faithful Christians here.

Happy Father's Day

"As a father has compassion on his children, so the Lord has compassion on those who fear him." [Psalm 103:13] Just as earthly fathers show compassion and care for their children, our Heavenly Father demonstrates boundless love and mercy towards those who honour Him.


Sunday's Music

Prelude: Frühlingslied (Spring Song) – Jean Sibelius (1865-1957) (arr. Herbert Fricker)

Hymns: Processional         All hail the power of Jesus’ name

Gradual               Let our choirs new anthems raise

Thanksgiving        Now we come, our heavenly Father

Post Communion     Ye watchers and ye holy ones

Setting:        Christ Church Mass – Philip Matthias (b. 1954)

Psalm:         130  TiS 81

Anthem:     Pie Jesu from RequiemAndrew Lloyd Webber (*1948)

Motet:        Ave verum – Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart (1756-1791)

Postlude:     ‘Aus tiefer Not schrei ich zu dir’ (Psalm 130) BWV 686 –

Johann Sebastian Bach (1685-1750)


Farewell Rohini

After 48 years of faithful service to Christ at St Andrew's, Rohini Jayaratne is returning to Sri Lanka. Rohini has servied this parish as a vestry member, reader, welcomer, intercesser, communion assistant, pastoral visitor at Cabrini Brighton, and provided us with hospitality after our service for many years.  We will miss her but hope to see her when she visits her family in Australia regularly. Best wishes, Rohini.


At St Andrew's this week

Sunday 11.30am Kids' Church (in the church)

Monday 9.30am Meditation (Lady Chapel)

Tuesday 9.30am English Conversation Group (narthex)

10.00am Holy Communion at 'Classic Residences'

Wednesday 9.30am on-line prayer, join here or phone in 0421 321 321

10.30am Healing Service with anointing, and Holy Eucharist (Lady Chapel)

12-1.30 'Coffee + Chat' in the Pioneer Chapel

Thursday 9.30am Chinese Morning Prayer (Lady Chapel)

11.00am Bible Study (Lady Chapel)

Saturday 6.00pm Sat@6 (Lady Chapel)

Sunday 8.00am Holy Eucharist (Lady Chapel)

10.00am Choral Eucharist (in the church)

6.00pm Choral Evensong (in the church)





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