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Vicar's News - 1 November 2020

Updated: Nov 4, 2020

This morning we celebrate the feast of All Saints. No Christian is solitary. Through baptism we become members one of another in Christ, members of a company of saints whose mutual belonging transcends death. As Charles Wesley wrote:

One family, we dwell in him,

one Church, above, beneath;

though now divided by the stream,

the narrow stream of death.

All Saints’ Day and the Commemoration of the Faithful Departed on All Souls’ Day (Monday) both celebrate this mutual belonging. All Saints’ Day celebrates men and women in whose lives the Church as a whole has seen the grace of God powerfully at work. It is an opportunity to give thanks for that grace, and for the wonderful ends to which it shapes a human life; it is a time to be encouraged by the example of the saints and to recall that sanctity may grow in the ordinary circumstances, as well as the extraordinary crises, of human living.

The Commemoration of the Faithful Departed on All Soul’s Day (Monday) celebrates the saints in a more local and intimate key. It allows us to remember with thanksgiving before God those whom we have known more directly: those who gave us life, or who nurtured us in faith.

Redemption is a work of God’s grace; it is God who redeems us in Christ and there is nothing to be done beyond what Christ has done. But we still wait for the final consummation of God’s new creation in Christ; those who are Christ’s, whether or not they have passed through death, are joined in prayer that God’s kingdom will be revealed finally and in all its fullness.


Church worship returns in 10 days time!

We will recommence services in church on Wednesday 11 November (Remembrance Day) at 10.30am. There will initially be four services per week:

Wednesday at 10.30am

Saturday at 6pm

Sunday at 8am

Sunday at 10am

There is a mandatory limit of 20 people + one clergy member at each service. This is different from the arrangements we had when we opened for 2 weeks in July. Initially there will only be 18 congregants, a sidesperson and an organist. No other assistants. This will remain the case until the state government varies this restriction, quite probably from 22 November.

The Sunday 8.30 service has been changed to 8am so that we can have the church cleaned before the 8am service (after Sat@6) and also before the 10am service.

REGISTRATION is necessary due to the restricted numbers and because we have to collect this data for possible contact tracing by the State government in the event that COVID flares up again.

So please click here, or go to our website – and click on REGISTER here in the big red section:

Then you will be taken to a list of events and, below that, a calendar:

Then click on the service for which you would like to register, and a short reservation form will appear. The English services are in blue, the bilingual services in purple and the Chinese services are shown in red.

You will get an email confirmation. Sorry that we can’t make the calendar nor its print any larger. You may have to magnify it at your end.

Once the limit on attendance is extended to 50 or more, you will be able to book in for the same service on multiple days. Registration is likely to remain necessary throughout 2021 until the COVID restrictions are lifted because, at present, we have to maintain a list of everyone who attends each service (for contact tracing purposes).

Those without the internet or the courage give this a try, are welcome to ring the Parish Office 03 9592 1240 (the phone is still redirected) and the Vicar will book you in.


ZOOM service changes

The Bilingual Service will continue on Sunday morning at 11.00 am using the Zoom app. Similarly the Chinese Morning Prayer service on Wednesdays will continue at 10am.

These arrangements remain in place until the numbers allowed at our physical services can be increased.

Next Sunday will be our last : Mattins : service at 10am because the following week we will be back in church at that time.



As we have restricted numbers at our services, baptisms will now be conducted separately, or privately as some say. Please contact me or Michelle so arrangements can be made – two booked in already!


Please continue to pray for the 14 people from the local Chinese community who attending our on-line Alpha Course as an introduction to Christianity. They are being led by Michelle and are joined by some of our own Chinese parishioners. Pray that the Holy Spirit might move some of these seekers to become Christians.


Our Opportunity shop will be opening on Wednesday 4 November, initially trading for two days per week - Wednesday and Thursday 10am – 3pm. If you have clean clothing and any curiosities for donation, please bring them along on a Wednesday or Thursday.



Our Parish Annual Meeting will be held on Saturday 28 November at 11am using the ZOOM app. You can download a copy of the Notice & Agenda here. We have a special page on our website for Annual Meeting information (in case you lose the details) and it can be accessed here or from the front page of our website.

Arrangements are being made for those without a computer – who will be contacted individually. Whether you are on the Parish Electoral Roll or not, a copy of the Annual Report for 2020 will be forwarded by email or post in order to keep you informed.

Invitations to nominate for the office bearer roles – Churchwarden, Parish Council or Incumbency Committee member will be sent out to everyone on the Parish Electoral Roll this week. The form can be downloaded here. More information about how these roles will function in the future next week.

The completed form must be returned to the Parish Office (by posting to, or leaving the form at, the Parish Office, 228 New Street, Brighton 3186 by 3pm on 14 November 2020 or by email to


This week at St Andrew’s:


10am - : Mattins : (in English) [join here]

11am – Bi-lingual service [join here]

Anytime – Video Eucharist [watch]


1.30pm – English Conversation Class [join here]


10am – Morning Prayer (in Chinese) [join here]

10.30am – Chat with the Vicar and friends [join here]


10am – Bible study (in English) ‘The ‘I AM’ statements in St John’s Gospel’ [join here]


7.30pm – Alpha Course (in Chinese) [join here]



Church Street has been abuzz since retailing has returned. Our carpark is full, many final year students preparing for their VCE exams next week, no doubt. Not a problem as they will be finished before we need it. I notice that hairdressers have been busy – men and women. Our Schoolhouse Café is now operating under new management – Mark and Kim – and the good weather has seen a return to outdoor dining – socially-distanced, of course.

More next week!

主任牧师寄语 1/11/2020

点击这里加入我们的双语Zoom在线崇拜 每周日上午11点

今天早上,我们庆祝圣徒节。没有基督徒是孤独的。借着洗礼,我们成为基督里的一员,成为一群圣徒,他(她)们的归属超越了死亡。正如查尔斯·卫斯理(Charles Wesley)写道:










我们将在11月11日(星期三)纪念日Remembrance Day ((上午10:30)在教堂里重新开始崇拜。每周将开放四场崇拜。








请点击这里, 或访问我们的网站-或点击以下红色区域来登记注册




那些没有互联网或需要帮忙的会众,欢迎致电教会办公室03 9592 1240,牧师会帮助您登记。







由于我们的崇拜数量有限,因此洗礼将会另外进行。请与我或Michelle联系 - 已经有两个人预订!


请为来自当地华人社区的14名参加 Alpha课程的慕道友祷告,祈求圣灵作工,打开他们的心,接受基督成为她(他)们的救主,成为基督徒,享受成为神儿女的喜乐。


我们Op商店将于11月4日星期三开业,刚开始会每周只营业两天- 星期三和星期四上午10点至下午3点。欢迎您捐赠干净的衣服和其它物品。



我们的网站上有一个特殊页面,用于提供年会信息(以防您丢失详细信息,可以在此处here. 或从我们网站的首页进行访问。进入网站请点击这里here

我们正在安排为没有计算机的会众服务,我们会单独联系您。无论您是否在教会选举的名单上,都会通过电子邮件或邮寄转发《 2020年年度报告》副本,以使您随时了解情况。


填妥的表格必须交回教会办公室(在2020年11月14日下午3时之前2寄于以下地址:228 New Street, Brighton 3186 或通过电子方式寄给



10am: 晨祷 (英文)[点击进入]




上午10点-晨祷(中文)[ 点击进入]

上午10:30 -与牧师和朋友聊天[点击进入]


上午10点-圣经学习(英文) 关于约翰福音经文中“我是( 点击进入)


晚上7:30 -Alpha 中文启发课程[点击进入]



自从零售部门可以重新营业,Church Street一直很热闹。毫无疑问,我们的停车场人满为患。许多即将毕业的学生准备下周参加VCE考试。我注意到,美发师们一直很忙。我们的SchoolhouseCafé咖啡厅现在在新的租户Mark和Kim管理下营运良好,美好的天气使室外宾朋满座,当然社交距离还是需要保持的。


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