St Andrew's Day
St Andrew’s Brighton was first opened for worship on St Andrew’s Day – 30 November 1842 and is the oldest continuing Anglican Church in Victoria. As we first celebrated public worship on St Andrew’s Day, this church was dedicated to Saint Andrew. This weekend we celebrate our Patronal Festival – St Andrew’s Day – the occasion on which we annually honour St Andrew as the Patron Saint of this parish.

Music on Sunday
Prelude: Romance sans Paroles 12 Pièces [Op 7 No 8] – Joseph Bonnet (1884-1944)
Hymns: Processional O come, O come, Emmanuel
Gradual Come, thou long-expected Jesus
Thanksgiving O worship the King
Post Communion Jesus calls us! O’er the tumult
Setting: Parish Eucharist – Michael Dudman (1938-1994)
Psalm: 19: 1-6 Walmisley in G (RSCM)
Anthem: Come, Lord Jesus – Oliver Tarney (*1984)
Motet: Cuncti simus concanentes from Llibre Vermell de Montserrat – Anonymous
Postlude: An Occasional Oratorio, [Overture] HWV 62 – G.F. Handel (1685-1759)
Organist: Mr Chris Cook
St Andrew's Day lunch - sold out
Due to the inclement weather , will be having our lunch in the Pioneer Chapel, after refreshments following the 10am service.
No Kids' Church today
There will be no Kids' Church on Sunday as some of our young people are joining us for lunch.
Christmas Raffle
Next week tickets will be available for our Christmas Raffle. Why not take a book of 20 and sell them to neighbours, family and friends. You only pay for the ticket's sold. There are great prizes, so get your ticket from next Sunday.

Coffee + Chat
This week we are in the Parish Hall - (entry through the doors adjacent to the ladies toilet while building and landscaping is completed). Wednesday at 12 noon - see you there.
Advent Studies
Our Studies continue next Satirday at 4pm in the Parish Hall.

Nativity Service
Next Sunday we are privileged to have the young people from St Mary's Pre-School entertaining us with their Christmas Pagent. There will be no Eucharist at the 10am service, but it is available at 8am and at Sat@6.
Reflecting the St Andrew’s spirit…

At Brighton Grammar, Rostrevor Hall
Through shared festive celebrations, services, and community outreach, we have not only enriched the lives of the students but also strengthened the connection between families and our church.
From supporting students’ spiritual growth to providing spaces for worship, serving and celebration, this partnership has been a testament to the power of unity in purpose.
At Christmas, we are reminded of the partnership God made with humanity through the birth of Jesus. In the same way, our shared work (BGS and St Andrew’s) over the years reflects the essence of that divine partnership, bringing light and love into the world.
