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Catching our breath...

Wow what a big Sunday it was at St Andrew's yesterday. First we welcomed all those fur babies to the 10am Blessing of the Animals Service. What a treat it was to see our Church numbers swell with some of our 4 legged friends in attendance. [Photo credit Dwight King]

Then we Commissioned our new Music Staff: Christopher Roache - Director of Music; Dr Calvin Bowman - Organist; Zachary Hamilton-Russell - Organ Scholar; Rachael Joyce, Joshua Erdelyi-Gotz and Alasdair Stretch as Lay Clerks.

It didn't end there with members of our Sunday School and Mainly Music communities attending for The Teddy Bears' Picnic in the Cloister. Fun was had by all with games, dancing, storytelling and a treasurer hunt.

Our Choir and parishioners also had an adventure travelling on the Brighton Grammar School Bus [thanks for the generous loan BGS!!] to Trinity College, University of Melbourne to perform along side the The Choir of Trinity College for Choral Evensong. Our own Vicar-Elect The Rev'd Ian Morrison gave the sermon and the choral music was just breathtaking. It was a real baptism of fire for our new Organist Dr Bowman who didn't miss a beat all day playing at both the 10am and Evensong Services. We thank Trinity College for inviting us to join in on their Evensong, such a wonderful training experience for our choral scholars, and their hospitality in wining and dining us after the Service.

Phew now for a rest...although not for long. Next Saturday we host another Brighton Farmers Market from 8:30-1pm; hold a Jazz Sunday Service at 10am; followed by a special thank you morning tea for The Rev'd Roger Featherston as he completes his role as our amazing Locum Priest. Not many sleeps now as we are on the final count down for the Commissioning of The Rev'd Ian Morrison our new Vicar, on 22 October.



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