Ercole de' Roberti, Israelites Gathering Manna ca. 1490-1499
Following last week’s gospel reading on the miraculous feeding of the 5,000, Jesus shifts the focus to a deeper, spiritual dimension in this week’s reading. One particularly thought-provoking detail from this passage is the term Jesus uses to describe Himself: " I am the bread of life." While the crowd is focused on their immediate hunger and the desire for more miraculous signs, Jesus points them toward a different kind of nourishment. He claims that He is not just a provider of physical food but the essential, spiritual sustenance for eternal life. This declaration challenges us to think about our desires and needs. Jesus calls us to look beyond the immediate and recognise a deeper, more lasting source of nourishment. The "bread of life" symbolises a relationship with Him that satisfies our deepest spiritual hunger, it points to the Eucharist. The Eucharist was entrusted by Christ to his Bride the Church, as spiritual nourishment and as a pledge of eternal life. Today the Church continues to receive this gift with faith and love.
Sunday's Music
Prelude: Pastorella BWV 590 – J.S. Bach (1685-1750)
Hymns: Processional Jesu, the very thought of thee NEH 385
Gradual Lord, enthroned in heavenly splendour NEH 296
Thanksgiving Let us with a gladsome mind TiS 83
Post Communion Rock of ages NEH 445
Setting: Parish Eucharist – Michael Dudman (1938-1994)
Psalm: 51 TiS 32
Anthem: Ave verum - Plainchant
Motet: Panis angelicus - Claudio Casciolini (1697-1760)
Postlude: Humoresque – Pietro Yon (1886-1943)

11.15am for 11.30am start
For children of all ages, come and join us for some stories, songs, craft activities, with refreshments beforehand
This Sunday - Moses in the bulrushes
Sat@6 worshippers enjoy hospitality each week after the service and recently celebrated several birthdays.
Our Chinese worship team is growing - below are some new faces. We gather to have a potluck every first Thursday of the month after morning worship.
St Andrews St Closure

Monday 5 August – the crane will be removed from the building site resulting in a partial road closure for cars and pedestrians on St Andrews Street (from Church St roundabout to Lindsay St/Outer Cres). Please plan ahead for any traffic disruption and limited pedestrian access during this time.
Wednesday this week

...and the same day. The schedule for Coffee + Chat has been changed to avoid conflicting with the monthly Clergy Deanery meeting. The new meeting day for Coffee + Chat is the first Wednesday of each month.

