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Assistant Priest's News - 18 August 2024

Raphael, Madonna del Baldacchino (Madonna of the Canopy) (1506-1508)

Some Christians criticize the Church's title for Mary, 'Mother of God', claiming it is not directly stated in the Bible. Although the Bible does not use this exact phrase, it supports the concept. For example, Elizabeth, filled with the Holy Spirit, calls Mary 'the mother of my Lord' in Luke 1:43, which acknowledges the divine nature of Mary’s child, Jesus.


Critics may argue that Elizabeth’s use of 'my Lord' instead of 'the Lord' suggests a different meaning, but this is weak since 'my Lord' was a common Jewish expression for God, as shown in the Psalms. Denying Mary as the Mother of God could imply denying Christ’s divine nature, leading to theological inconsistencies.


Historically, Nestorius, the patriarch of Constantinople, in 428 A.D. rejected the title 'Mother of God', arguing that a creature could not bear the Creator and questioned whether Christ, as both God and an infant, could truly suffer and die. This reasoning misunderstands the doctrine of the Incarnation, which asserts that Jesus is both fully human and fully God at the same time.


Some modern Christians argue that Mary was only the mother of Christ’s human nature. However, this perspective fails to recognise that a mother gives birth to a person, not merely a nature. Since Mary gave birth to Jesus Christ, who is both fully divine and fully human, she is rightly honoured as the Mother of God. This title reflects her role in bringing forth the infant Christ, the divine Son of God.

Please note incense will be used during the 10am service this Sunday.


Sunday's Music



Prelude: Choral Dorien – Jehan Alain (1911-1940)

Hymns: Processional – Come down, O love divine NEH 137

Gradual – For Mary, Mother of the Lord NEH 161

Thanksgiving – For the beauty of the earth TiS 137

Post Communion – Tell out, my soul, the greatness of the Lord TiS 161

Setting:  Parish Eucharist – Michael Dudman (1938-1994)

Psalm: 113 NPCW

Anthem: Ave Maria – Franz Schubert (1797-1828)

Motet: What wondrous love is this – American Folk Hymn

Postlude: Wondrous Love – Variations on a Shape-note Hymn – Samuel Barber (1910-1981)


O Fr Ian, Fr Ian wherefore art thou, Fr Ian?…..


Onboard the new Queen Anne touring Norway and more…

Stavenger (Norway) from his balcony view…

Expanding his international friendship circle, enjoying gala dinners on the new Cunard Queen Anne floating paradise…

...there he is, blended in with the wallpaper behind, looking fresh like a rose.

This is the final leg of Fr Ian's Europe extravaganza… (You can read more about his exploits on his travel blog - He will be back next week, hands on deck.

Chapel, Cotehele, Cornwall UK


Southern lights

Southern Australia was treated to another spectacular display of the aurora australis on Monday night. Parishioner Tim Renouf took this photo at Half Moon Bay, Black Rock.



Sunday 18 August at 3 pm – the Australian New Goldberg Orchestra


Online Prayer

COMMENCING Wednesday 21 August



Mthr Xev


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