Holy Week and Easter

The Paschal moon on Easter Eve - photo courtesy of Tim Renouf
It has been the busiest week of the Christian calendar beginning with Palm Sunday and our traditional procession from the wayside cross into the church, decorated with palms for us by Dwight King and a team of helpers.

On Holy Tuesday evening we held a 'Meditation on the Stations of the Cross' using images that I had taken overseas, and then a fish and chips meal in the Pioneer Chapel.

Wednesday's mid-week service became the funeral for Jolson Raynmore who was a fixture at the mid-week service and at Sat@6. Thank you to all the St Andrew's parishioners who attended. There was a very impressive number of mourners and Jolson's family were very pleased with your connection to him, and chatted to many over refreshments provided by the Parish in the Pioneer Chapel.
Our Maundy Thursday service began the great 'Triuum' - Maundy Thursday, Good Friday and Easter Day, recalling three of the four significant days in the salvation of humankind.
In lieu of foot washing, we opted for hand washing which has proved more popular for audience participation.
On Good Friday we had a number of events, commencing with the 'Walk of Witness' organised by the Brighton Covenant churches who tour the beachfront, ending at St Andrew's where we had hot cross buns and tea and coffee.

In the afternoon we had our service of the Veneration of the Cross - a solemn and meaningful service with communion from the reserved sacrament set aside on Maundy Thursday evening.
On Friday evening, our choir and readers led us in a service of 'Tenebrae' leaving the church in darkness.

'Tenebrae' on Good Friday evening. The Christ candle remains lit in the dark church.
On Holy Saturday (Easter Eve) we managed some community engagement with our barbecue at the Brighton Farmers' Market held in the church grounds.
On Easter Eve we began with the new fire of Easter in the Cloister Courtyard and processed by candlelight into the church for the Easter Vigil and first Eucharist of Easter.
Christ is Risen, Alleluia
On Easter Day we had two celebrations of Holy Eucharist with the renewal of baptismal vows and refreshments following the 10am service. Young people, especially some of our articulate choristers, assisted in asking about the thanksgiving prayer during the service.
Thank you
It is a challenge to put on so many services during Holy Week and it couldn't be done without a lot of assistance. Our choir was superb and worked hard to achieve a glorious result, especially at 'Tenebrae'. Thank you to Calvin and Tim for the hours of planning and directing, to our choral scholars for the many solo parts we enjoyed, and to all the choir members for a professional sound for this important week. Thank you to the SACPA Committee who organised food and supplies for the choristers who spent much of the weekend in church and in rehearsal. Thank you to all the readers who read so clearly and abundantly as there was much to be proclaimed. Thank you to all those who assisted in setting up and taking down the decorations and providing food and beverages for many services and events - Philippa and John, Susie and Gerard, Kaye and Johnathan, Andrew, Xev and Alex, Heather, Helen, Dwight, Paul, Dale, Ken, Tim R, Angela E, all the sides-people and servers, Omar (for the palm branches), Cathy and Johnson, all those who assist in keeping the grounds tidy from refuse, and our Parish Administrator, Angela Alomes, for all the preparation of Orders of Service.
Xeverie and I wish you a very Happy Easter.
