Mission, Vision & our Objectives
Our Mission
To make the Word of God fully known in Bayside Melbourne through worship in the progressive catholic Anglican tradition, cherishing word and sacrament, embedded in:
liturgy, prayer and music of the highest quality, worshipping God in the beauty of holiness and with all our senses, heart, soul, mind and strength
scriptural teaching that challenges and encourages
our care for people, our schools and our community.
Our Vision is to be a joyful and welcoming place of worship and outreach, nurturing all age groups in their faith journey.
Our Objectives in 2020-24 are:
Achieving the highest standard of music ministry in our choral worship and musical offerings in worship & in concert performances
Encouraging and expanding our Chinese ministry, connecting broadly with the Chinese community in Bayside
Recognizing that St Mary’s Pre-school is integral to our future: more visibly integrating St Mary’s, St Andrew’s and Horsely Court residents, and St Andrew’s Tennis Club, into St Andrew’s community
Connecting with people outside our worship community and age demographic to increase their participation in our church community
Seek to establish a strong financial foundation for the parish into the future.