Donations, regular giving, bequests and tax-deductible gifts
There are so many ways for you to help, and we truly appreciate each and every effort.
On-line donation
St Andrew's Church
We always appreciates the generosity and involvement of people like you, with every contribution going towards making St Andrew's Brighton an even better Christian organization than it already is.
Regular giving
St Andrew's Church
Parish Giving via the Anglican Development Fund (ADF) allows you to electronically transfer funds from either your financial institution account, ADF account or your credit card account to St Andrew's – you decide how much and how often.
By giving regularly, and promising to give whether you are in Church or not, you are ensuring that the ChurchWardens and Parish Council can plan the use of those resources to build God’s Kingdom in Brighton under the leadership of our Vicar.
Any queries can be addressed in confidence to our pledge recorder, Philippa McKenna.
St Andrew's Church
A bequest is an effective and meaningful way of supporting St Andrew’s Brighton.
St Andrew’s Brighton can receive bequests of cash, shares or bonds, property or a percentage of the value of an estate. Bequests may be unrestricted, which enables the Parish to choose how best to apply the bequest funds, or designated, where you choose how the bequest funds will be used. We ask those considering a designated bequest to first consult the Vicar and/or Churchwarden(s).
The most effective bequest is one that allows the Parish the flexibility to use donations in ways that best meet the Parish's needs at the time.
If you intend to leave a bequest to St Andrew’s Brighton, you need to have your will prepared by a solicitor or trustee company and reviewed regularly or as circumstances change
Tax-deductible gift
Your support will directly help achieve current projects which include the repair, restoration and maintenance of the War Memorial Grand Organ and supporting the Music Program at St Andrew's Brighton.