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Vicar's News - 31 October 2021

(available on Sunday morning)

Booking in first in-church services

Please register for the first services that you plan to attend after our return to in-church worship. Registration is not essential but will assist in planning.

QR Code/check-in and proof of vaccination will be required for entry (see below)


Have you got your proof of COVID-19 vaccination?

Information on how to get your proof of vaccination, proof of vaccination if you don't have a smartphone, showing proof of vaccination and troubleshooting including downloading and linking can be found on this government website here.


Do you volunteer at St Andrew's?

A reminder that all workers (paid and volunteer) must provide proof of COVID-19 vaccination (or exemption) in advance of return to worship in the church on 14 November. Emails outlining how to provide this proof have been sent to volunteers. Please check your spam/junk box and if you cannot find the email, please contact Angela in the Parish Office at or on 9592 1240


St Andrew's Day lunch

Let's get together to celebrate our return to in-church services with a lunch for our patronal festival in the Cloister Courtyard -

Date: 28 November 2021 Time: 11.30am following the 10am service

Food: by Pantry Brighton BYOD: Bring your own drinks

Cost: $25 per person Families with schoolchildren $65

Music by Dr Calvin Bowman and our choral Lay Clerks


Vaccination Policy 2021

The COVID-19 restrictions change almost on a daily basis, so the Parish Council have endeavoured to bring the applicable State Government and Diocesan rules together in a document to facilitate an understanding of the restrictions which are likely to apply when we re-open. This should assist sidespeople (who are deemed to be COVID Marshalls) in noting QR check-in and proof of vaccination. You can download the full policy here.

In summary:

  • everyone attending must be fully vaccinated and use the QR code to attend our services or enter buildings (including the toilets)

  • no unvaccinated people can stand or sit within 15 metres of open windows or doors to avoid any airborne contamination entering.

  • proof of vaccination must be available or already listed by the Parish Administrator.

  • no entry is permitted for those whose vaccination status is unclear - this would require the number attending to reduce to 30 people or the service being cancelled.


Parish Annual Meeting

Our Parish Annual Meeting will be held on Saturday 27 November at 11am via the Zoom app. You can download documents below:


Officebearer Roles

The roles fulfilled by the Churchwardens and Parish Council members are vital to the proper functioning of the Parish. The formal administrative responsibilities are set out in the Parish Governance Act 2013 and are summarised in a document you can download here.

In practice for a parish of this size and complexity, there is much more that has to do physically than the legislation suggests as we have fewer and fewer volunteers at St Andrew's. If you are thinking of nominating for one of these positions, please read the summary document available for downloading above.


Child Safety requirements

All Parish workers (including all volunteers) who have or could possibly have interaction with children will be receiving an emailed update of the new Diocesan requirements this week.

These requirements must be completed prior to 14 November when we re-open. All queries to me or our Child Safety Officer, Susie Douglas on


Organ & Brass Concert

Add this concert to your diary - at St Andrew's on 28 November 2021 at 7pm .

Bookings phone Monique on 0449 186 916 or email


"Ring a ding-ding"

introducing St Andrew's Handbell Choir

We are starting up a Handbell Choir in 2022!

Dr Calvin Bowman, our Director of Music, has secured a four octave set of bells by Schulmerich, a generous gift from Ringspiration. They will be used to enhance our Sunday morning worship as well as for various occasional services throughout the year.

Handbell choirs are very popular in the United States, and to a certain extent, in Great Britain, but are relatively rare in Australia. Dr Bowman’s experience as a church musician in the United States whilst studying for his Doctor of Musical Arts degree at Yale introduced him to the sheer joy of the handbell choir phenomenon, and how much it can musically enhance worship. It’s a great group activity as well as an enjoyable social experience. In addition, it can be quite addictive!

Dr Bowman is looking for people who are keen to try something a bit different, preferably able to read music, and who wish to play handbells in one of the most magnificent liturgical spaces in Australia. The rehearsal commitment would be once a week on an evening to be determined.

Bell ringers do not have to be parishioners so mention it to friends, colleagues, and family who might be interested.

For further information please email Dr Bowman -


Christmas cakes - they're back this year!

Fr Jan's Christmas Cakes, baked by the Rev’d Jan Joustra will be available this year.

Standard $35 Gluten Free $40

cakes are 12.5cm square, minimum 1kg

They are delicious!

Don't miss out! Order now by email only to indicating the quantity and type of cakes required.

You will be advised when cakes are ready for collection (from late November.) Cakes should also be available for sale at the Farmers Market on 21 November.




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