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Vicar's News 17 October 2021

Updated: Oct 18, 2021

available on and from Sunday morning

Carpark oak tree (in leaf again)

During the week the Synod of the Anglican Diocese of Melbourne has been meeting on-line, and I will report more fully on this in next week's Vicar's News.



Our signboard now announces the commencement date for our in-church services, subject to government restrictions lifting. We will vary the board to show all our weekly services closer to our first week back. Our proposed electronic replacement signboard has been approved by Bayside Council and we hope it will be installed before Christmas so that our Christmas services can be the first items displayed on the large screen.

We return on Remembrance Sunday and there will be special services recalling the end of World War 1. Medals may be worn.

It will be a busy week beforehand the first Sunday, as we have a military funeral on the Wednesday, and 2 services on Saturday 13th. This means we won't be able to have Sat@6 that weekend due to the cleaning requirements for the church after the previous services. The Wednesday and Saturday services will return on 17th and 20th respectively.

All services will initially be in the nave church due to the need for increased social distancing (again). More information will be provided when it is to hand but we are aware that we must allow 4 square metres for each person and masks must be worn at all times inside, except for those speaking or reading as part of the service. The choir will remain masked, as will we all, for the hymns and anthem.


Vaccination certification

It is a government requirement that all workers (paid or volunteers) must be double vaccinated and that we hold evidence of this in the Parish Office. The clergy have already provided evidence of their vaccinations to the Bishop. Angela Alomes will be contacting all parish council members, churchwardens, musicians, adult choristers (except for children who are reporting through SACPA), Op Shop workers, sides people, servers, refreshment helpers, garden and ground assistants regarding their vax status this coming week. Her note on the requirements appear below.

We are planning to resume face to face worship from Sunday 14 November for those who are fully vaccinated (subject to prevailing Chief Health Officer directions). Anyone aged 12 years and over is eligible to be vaccinated. Information about the COVID-19 vaccine and how to book you vaccination appointment is available here

When attending St Andrew’s for any activity (and for many other places from early November) you will need to prove you are fully vaccinated, so it is important to organise COVID-19 Digital Certificate or your Immunisation History Statement in readiness

Have a smartphone ? your COVID-19 digital certificate can be displayed through the Service Victoria app (QR code check-in), Medicare app, or equivalent smartphone wallet. More information on how to get proof of your COVID-19 vaccinations is available here and how to connect to the Service Victoria app (including troubleshooting and FAQ) is here

Don't have a smartphone ? You can call Services Australia on 1800 653 809 and ask them to send your Immunisation History Statement to you. It can take up to 14 days to arrive in the post. You can also print your COVID-19 digital certificate available on MyGov at home. More information is available here

Medically exempt? You will need to provide evidence. More information is available here

Age related exemption? – dependent on the prevailing health directions (under 16 / under 12) proof of vaccination/exemption is not required.

To assist with planning, anyone who is on a volunteer roster will be asked to provide evidence of their vaccination status in advance of return to worship or activities.

Any enquiries please email the Parish Office (Angela Alomes) or call 9592 1240


Child Safety certification

New paperwork is now required for all those who 'possibly' have contact with children and the Vicar will be in touch with those who need to comply. No activity can recommence until these requirements are fulfilled.


Sunday service

A reminder about our Sunday morning prayer service at 9am, in both English and Chinese. We have interesting music and the prayers are drawn from the traditional Morning Prayer service, but in modern English. The service last for about 30 minutes do it is not long out of your day. You can join us here at 9am Sunday.


Thank you to those who have volunteers to assist following last weekend's Vicar's News which contained the request below. More volunteers would be gratefully appreciated so that the job is not onerous for anyone.

Please consider joining one of these teams for activities around our church:

Grounds team - Lots of people are using the church grounds now that spring and summer weather is upon us. They leave a lot of rubbish from time to time, especially teenagers, and we need to get it into the many garbage bins so that it doesn't blow everywhere.

Please assist the Churchwardens in keeping the grounds tidy by a walk around the parish site later in the day to pick up any rubbish left on the grounds. This takes no longer than 20 minutes and if we can get plenty of people on the roster, it shouldn't be onerous.

Barbecue team - it is proposed to have a barbecue at each Farmers' Market (third Saturday of each month). We will be starting again (we trust) on 20 November provided the State Government allow food for immediate consumption to be available at Farmers' Markets (during lockdown this has not been possible).

Please contact Angela Alomes, Parish Administrator, on 03 9592 1240 or if you are willing to put your name down to assist on either team.


Parish Annual Meeting

Our Parish Annual Meeting will be held on Saturday 27 November at 11am via the Zoom app. Bishop Paul recommends that the annual meetings be via the Zoom app, as was the case last year, in order to facilitate as many to attend as possible. I understand he has in mind the inclusion of those who are unvaccinated, if any.

Please put this date in your diary. It should be easy to remember because it is the day prior to the Sunday on which we will celebrate St Andrew's Day, 28 November. Details will be forwarded shortly regarding nomination for office bearers for the 2021/22 year.

The notice of meeting with the agenda can be downloaded here.

If you are not on the Parish Electoral Roll but wish to be included, you can download a form here for completion and return to me by email or drop it in our smart new letterbox at the door to the Parish Office.




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